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Qualitative Findings for Study 3: The Phenomenology of Joy: Insights from the Imagery in Movement Method

  1.      Joy was set apart from aspects of life that were felt to have a sense of brokenness. a.      P1: “Like this was whenever I was, my therapist was first trying to just get me to, like, um, just start to know myself, you know, being, like, just let yourself like things, and I…and I was so analytical about everything. I was so outta touch and I didn’t even have a favorite color, you know? And obviously I’m a very different person now, and I have colors that I really like, that feel good around me…” b.      P2: “I always felt like the odd man out. Um, but I enjoyed being alone most of the time.” c.       P3: “So I think that, to me, thinking about how I said earlier there were these moments of joy broken with the trauma, and I was thinking about that as I was doing this. How can I represent that brokenness in the trauma, but also being resilient enough to still experience joy as a child and not be completely broken by the darkness?” 2.      Joyful moments were experienced

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